Battletech: Tactics 2 – Rebalanced Reprints 2




BT Tactics 2 has made a number of additions or changes to the game rules that would benefit from the re-release of a few cards to fit those rules better. Unlike all other reprint sets we provide, these cards are intended to be used only when playing with BT Tactics.
Here are the changes we have made:
* In BTT 2, affiliations and alignments now apply directly to decks, instead of being measured by what cards are on the table. We have reworded Single Combat and Trial of Refusal to better reflect these changes.
* In BTT 2, we have non-Mech Pilots. Bribed Pilot, Defection, and Force of Will have been reworded to apply to Units, not just Mechs.
* In BTT 2, we have improved the Operations ecosystem to be more usable. Upgraded versions of Accelerate Conflict, Blockade, Guerilla Support, Open Supply Lines, Orbital Bombardment, and Retrieve Lost Mech are provided. Additionally, a new Hidden Location is provided that does not allow you to hide an Operation.

This set has 36 cards, as we have endeavoured to provide cards in relative counts that the player will find useful, given the constraints of printing. In this set you will find:
2 copies each of every Operation
3 copies each of Bribed Pilot, Defection, Single Combat, and Trial of Refusal
6 copes each of Force of Will and Hidden Location

As with all fan-made cards, make sure your opponent is ok with you using them!

Additional information

Weight 0.2 lbs